
International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology

DOI:10.29111/ijlrst   ISRA Impact Factor:3.35

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International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology Vol.11 Issue 2, pp 0-0,Year 2023


Mihaela SUCIU

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Received : 30 November -0001; Accepted : Under Review Process ....... ; Published : 22 December 2022

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Article No. 11033

In this paper, a frame model for a simple dental bridge will be presented, which will be calculate by TMM, in order to facilitate orthodontic interventions in situ, especially in delicate situations. Applications of mathematical algorithms in bioengineering and especially in orthodontics are in full expansion. In this study, it will be done a similarity between a simple dental bridge and a frame, which is an original idea, as is the application of the Transfer-Matrix Method (TMM) to the analytical calculus of a dental bridge as a frame. The model of frame has two vertical poles, embedded at inferior ends and with an uniformly distributed load of horizontal part of the frame. A simple dental bridge has two pole teeth. They can be assimilated with the two vertical parts of frame and the aggregation elements, together with the bridge body, can be assimilated with the horizontal part of frame. After applying the TMM, we can determine the displacements for aggregation elements. This original idea to assimilate a simple dental bridge as a frame, is an approach that can be applied for different frames and, so, for differently dental bridges, applied for different partial or total edentulous situations. Mathematical algorithm for frame calculus can by very easy to program and this allows the results to be obtained very quickly with immediate application in practice, in orthodontics, which allows the results to be used in situ, especially in special and delicate situations. In the future, we want to be able to present the validation of the theoretical results with experimental results and with those obtained by modeling with Finite Elements Method (FEM).

Key Words   
Dental bridge, frame, charge density, Dirac’s and Heaviside’s functions and operators, state vecto
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To cite this article

Mihaela SUCIU , " An Approach Of A Simple Dental Bridge As A Frame With Uniform Load By Transfer-matrix Method ", International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology . Vol. 11, Issue 2, pp 0-0 , 2023

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