
International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology

DOI:10.29111/ijlrst   ISRA Impact Factor:3.35

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DBMS as a Cloud Service

Research Paper Open Access

International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology Vol.6 Issue 5, pp 67-69,Year 2017


Seenu Garg

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Received : 05 October 2017; Accepted : 20 October 2017 ; Published : 30 October 2017

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Article No. 10762

Recently technological advancement, especially those of the cloud services have reached a high point of development and research. However, the technology and principles change rapidly and there is an increasing number of open problems. Nowadays, DBMS outsourcing is one of the most required features of cloud services. Technological advancements around transmission of data through the network, have largely influenced the cost of transmitting the data per terabyte over long distances. This new outsourcing model has the benefits of reducing the cost for running Database Management System (DBMS) independently.

Key Words   
SQL (Structured Query Language), RDBMS (Relationa
  1. Kadam, M., Tambe, Sh., Jidge, P., Tayade, E., (2014). Cloud service based on database management system. International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications, 4, 303-306.
  2. http://www.academia.edu/5200713/DBMS_as_Cloud_Service
  3. Tom Nolle, “Cloud Database as a Service: Planning your DBMS
  4. Hogan, M., (2008). Cloud Computing & Databases. How databases can meet the demands of cloud computing. ScaleDB Inc
To cite this article

Seenu Garg , " Dbms As A Cloud Service ", International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology . Vol. 6, Issue 5, pp 67-69 , 2017

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