
International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology

DOI:10.29111/ijlrst   ISRA Impact Factor:3.35

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Disinfection of Immature Necrotic Permanent Tooth With Periapical Lesion using Triple Antibiotic Paste– A Case Report

Open Access

International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology Vol.8 Issue 6, pp 28-30,Year 2019


Monika Ahlawat, Sanju Dahiya, Meenakshi Gill

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Received : 08 November 2019; Accepted : 26 December 2019 ; Published : 31 December 2019

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Article No. 10983

The immature tooth with a necrotic pulp and apical periodontitis presents multiple challenges to successful treatment. The traditional method of cleaning and disinfection of the root canal system used in mature tooth are limited by the anatomy of the immature tooth, that are susceptible to fracture. Therefore we must rely on placement of medicament to achieve adequate reduction of intracanal bacteria.A triple antibiotic paste consisting of metronidazole, ciprofloxacin, clinadamycin has been shown to be very effective against pathogens commonly found inside root canal system. This case report describes disinfection protocol for treatment of immature permanent necrotic tooth with large periradicular lesion using triple antibiotic paste. Follow up radiograph of case showed progressive healing of periradicular lesion and root formation which substantiate the effectiveness of triple antibiotic paste in treatment of immature tooth with necrotic pulp.

Key Words   
Triple antibiotic paste, Necrotic tooth,Periapical lesion
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To cite this article

Monika Ahlawat, Sanju Dahiya, Meenakshi Gill , " Disinfection Of Immature Necrotic Permanent Tooth With Periapical Lesion Using Triple Antibiotic Paste– A Case Report ", International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology . Vol. 8, Issue 6, pp 28-30 , 2019

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