
International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology

DOI:10.29111/ijlrst   ISRA Impact Factor:3.35

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Research Paper Open Access

International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology Vol.8 Issue 1, pp 17-20,Year 2019


Dr.Rajiv Kumar

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Received : 01 January 2019; Accepted : 19 February 2019 ; Published : 28 February 2019

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Article No. 10967

This paper presents the effects of termination condition on the performance of the genetic algorithm. Here operating system process scheduling problem is taken to analyze the effect of a termination condition. Scheduling in operating systems has a significant role in overall system performance and throughput. Efficient scheduling is vital for system performance. The scheduling is considered an NP-hard problem. In this paper, we use the power of the genetic algorithm to provide efficient process scheduling. the aim is to obtain an efficient scheduler to allocate and schedule the process to CPU. we will evaluate the performance and efficiency of the proposed algorithm using simulation results.

Key Words   
Genetic Alogirthm, Soft computing, Termination condition
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To cite this article

Dr.Rajiv Kumar , " Effect Of Termination Condition On The Performance Of Genetic Algorithm ", International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology . Vol. 8, Issue 1, pp 17-20 , 2019

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