
International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology

DOI:10.29111/ijlrst   ISRA Impact Factor:3.35

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International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology Vol.5 Issue 4, pp 23-28,Year 2016


Dr. Elsir Ali Saad Mohamed

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Received : 10 July 2016; Accepted : 07 August 2016 ; Published : 31 August 2016

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Article No. 10670

This paper deals with the employment of social networking sites in response to the phenomena of terrorism. While keeping abreast of the rapid developments in the side of social networking applications and means of communication, terrorism is among the subjects that are rarely researched and studied, hence, imposes new patterns and recourse to the terrorist groups in the implementation of their business. This paper recommended provision of a theoretical framework that needs more research and in-depth studies. This paper aimed to build a positive and effective relationship between governments and social networking sites in order to provide widespread enterprise platform on credibility. Achieving maximum credibility requires appropriate personnel rehabilitation and training on terrorist phenomena. For the governments, their appropriate personnel must also be trained on how to manage and analyze the information and reveals it for of public opinion. Initial data collection was based on descriptive approach which focused on scanning. It used a questionnaire that was designed to break a scientific reading of the applications provided by mass communication networks and the possibility of employment in response to the phenomena of terrorism. This paper used research sites Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube to analyze the methods, tools and applications they used as platforms to curb terrorism. The questionnaire was used to collect and analyze data from respondents. The results confirmed the high proportion of trading in the social issues. The emotional implications led to intellectual deviations and expansion of the umbrella of terrorism. The spread of immoral phenomena such as customary marriages and relationships outside legal systems have effects on societal values and family cohesion resulting from the contact sites and Social Media networks. To emphasize the necessity of activating and updating the laws to reduce the widening umbrella of negative phenomena such as the spread of rumors or growing phenomena penetrating the personal privacy of individuals, and corruption of youth and inclusion in the terrorist groups, the large presence of these groups in social networks makes it imperative to organize their energies for training and guidance to produce positive messages compatible with the values of the Muslim community alongside religious teachings and legitimacy.

Key Words   
Social networks, terrorist phenomena, employment strategies
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To cite this article

Dr. Elsir Ali Saad Mohamed , " Employment Of Social Media In Response To The Terrorist Phenomena Descriptive Analytical Study On Facebook - Twitter - Youtube ", International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology . Vol. 5, Issue 4, pp 23-28 , 2016

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