
International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology

DOI:10.29111/ijlrst   ISRA Impact Factor:3.35

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International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology Vol.5 Issue 2, pp 10-24,Year 2016


Lamara Qoqiauri

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Received : 05 April 2016; Accepted : 12 April 2016 ; Published : 30 April 2016

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Article No. 10631

In the Article we consider theoretical-methodology grounds of investment domain, going through substantiation of investment field, as integral part to the economic system; investments are discussed in the prism of systemic analysis; their etymology values are explained from the author’s point of view; various aspects of investment concept are represented as well as author’s explanations about investments given on the basis of their generalization. For the first time in Georgian economic thinking, investment is open as economic category; investment, together with the credit, is represented as formation of finances, their modification. In the Article investments are discussed to be the totality of following aspects: resources (capital valuables) and placement of sources (expenses); as well as the categories of reserve and flow; investments determined with the taxes are represented, together with the characteristics of the concept of investments from the point of wealth; combined and disposition understanding of investments is substantiated. Special attention is paid to the economic relations related with the investment movement in the investment activities, investment process in general. Principal economic characteristics of investments are represented.

Key Words   
Investment, economic relations, economical categories, finance, industrial activity
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To cite this article

Lamara Qoqiauri , " New Vision Of Investment Genesis ", International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology . Vol. 5, Issue 2, pp 10-24 , 2016

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