
International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology

DOI:10.29111/ijlrst   ISRA Impact Factor:3.35

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International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology Vol.5 Issue 1, pp 98-101,Year 2016


Pr. Qarro M. Hamzaoui I. & Saghir A.

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Received : 19 February 2016; Accepted : 26 February 2016 ; Published : 29 February 2016

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Article No. 10618

After the failure of various programs based on the technocratic management approaches, development operators have proposed a pilot project applying a participatory approach that ensures the harmonious and sustainable development while preserving the ecological potential of the natural ecosystems. The development project and protection of forests in the Ifrane province is the first project that have been initiated immediately after the definition of the National Forestry Programme, for an ambition to reverse the degradation process of forests in the Ifrane province while ensuring an integrated rural development. Among the actions carried out by the project, the initiation of a contracting process with local associations whose result was the signing management agreements for local association’s territories.This study has aimed the analysis the experiences of the participatory forest management in the case of Ifrane province. We tried to assess the economic benefits of green oak coppice thinning operations, assigned to local associations. First, we analyzed documents concerning the forestry projects. Then a non-directive survey was applied with a sample of 42 peoples of household chiefs concerning the three territories of local associations: Ait Hammad ribaa under the Tizguite rural administration, El Hajjaj under the Dayet Aoua rural administration and SEHB Laghnam under the Tigrigra rural administration.The results have identified a close dependence of the three territories to the forest resources. Their total annual consumption of firewood is estimated at 2298.5 cubic meters per year, an average of 11 t / household / year. In addition, forest areas have relatively high coefficients of overgrazing that is about 48.62% for the local association El Hajjaj and 64.65% in local association SEHB Laghnam. The operation of green oak thinning had a good impact on the lives of the population. It covers 63% for firewood needs and in terms of free and legal fodder units for cattle has offered by the foliage of oak stems has been cut for beneficiary households. The operation of thinning generated for the three local associations: a monetary contribution of firewood is estimated to 96 000 Euros, whether an average intake of 684 Euros/ household. The contribution of a feeding leaves value is 1474 Euros that is very useful during winter period.

Key Words   
Middle Atlas, participatory management, local associations, green oak, coppice
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To cite this article

Pr. Qarro M. Hamzaoui I. & Saghir A. , " Participatory Forest Management: Analysis Of Thinning Operationsin Partnership With Local Organizations (green Oak Forest Inwestern Middle Atlas, Morocco) ", International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology . Vol. 5, Issue 1, pp 98-101 , 2016

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