
International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology

DOI:10.29111/ijlrst   ISRA Impact Factor:3.35

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International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology Vol.4 Issue 4, pp 18-26,Year 2015


Safi Rekia,Benbelkacem Abdelkader,Bouzerzour Hamenna

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Received : 03 August 2015; Accepted : 10 August 2015 ; Published : 31 August 2015

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Article No. 10535

This investigation was carried out to determine the adaptability patterns of a set of 30 durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) genotypes evaluated across four Algerians locations. The results indicated that yield varied widely within and between locations, and was significantly affected by location, genotype and genotype x location interaction, which accounted for 91.78, 2.06 and 6.24% of the treatment variation. Compared to the joint regression which explained only 10.13%, the AMMI analysis explained 92.65% of the sum square of the interaction and indicated that all locations exhibited high interaction and could be grouped into two recommendation domains: Khroub, Sétif and Tiaret vs Oued Smar. Bichena/Ariza2//Solga8 expressed high yield main effect, high stability, good reliability and large adaptability to all locations, while Gcn/4/D68.1.93A//Ruff /Fg/3/Mtl5 showed specific adaptation to Oued Smar location. These results indicated that breeders had the choice to select Bichena/Ariza2//Solga8 due to its large adaptation and above average grain yield against the alternative to recommend this genotype to the sub region represented by Khroub, Sétif and Tiaret locations and to select Gcn/4/D68.1.93A//Ruff /Fg/3/Mtl5 specifically for Oued Smar location. The strategy associating general adaptation to a large sub region with specific adaptation resulted in 7.16% yield gain.

Key Words   
Triticum durum Desf., AMMI model, interaction, nominal yield, reliability.
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To cite this article

Safi Rekia,Benbelkacem Abdelkader,Bouzerzour Hamenna , " Analysis Of The Genotype X Location Interaction And Grain Yield Stability Of Durum Wheat (triticum Durum Desf.) Genotypes Tested Across Diverse Algerian Locations ", International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology . Vol. 4, Issue 4, pp 18-26 , 2015

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