
International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology

DOI:10.29111/ijlrst   ISRA Impact Factor:3.35

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International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology Vol.4 Issue 1, pp 17-23,Year 2015


Masoud Lotfizadeh, Namaitijiang Maimaiti,?Zafar Ahmed,Noor Hassim Ismail

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Received : 29 January 2015; Accepted : 11 February 2015 ; Published : 28 February 2015

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Article No. 10456

This study estimate the work place stress among the white and blue color workers at Esfahan Steel Company (ESCO), Iran. A cross-sectional study conducted at among workers at ESCO, Iran. The data about the stress level was collected using structured face to face interviews based on questionnaires using DASS21. A total 600workers were interviewed among the stratified randomly selected employees at ESCO. This study found that 93.2% of employees claimed that they have various level of stress.It was found that the economic problems were the most common reason for their stress (58.9 %), followed by task type (33.2 %), and work environment and Colleagues (29.8%) and (29%) in the research population. Remaining two factors Children’s problems and Relatives account for (8.6%) stress. We have found that most of the participants in this study had different level of stress and main source of stress was economic problem followed by task type.

Key Words   
Occupational Stress, ESCO, white color, blue white color, Iran,
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To cite this article

Masoud Lotfizadeh, Namaitijiang Maimaiti,?Zafar Ahmed,Noor Hassim Ismail , " Assessing Stress Among The White And Blue Collar Workers At The Esfahan Steel Company, Iran. ", International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology . Vol. 4, Issue 1, pp 17-23 , 2015

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