
International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology

DOI:10.29111/ijlrst   ISRA Impact Factor:3.35

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International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology Vol.3 Issue 6, pp 114-120,Year 2014


Chia-Chun Hsu,Ping-Yen Liu, Lynn Farh,Wei-Kung Tseng, Kai-Chien Yang, Chau-Chung Wu,Fang-Rong Chang

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Received : 20 December 2014; Accepted : 26 December 2014 ; Published : 31 December 2014

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Article No. 10433

Physalin B is a steroidal triterpenoid whose effects on platelet functions are not clearly understood. This paper presents novel in vitro and ex vivo studies on the effects of physalin B on platelet activation and thrombosis formation. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells were cultured to obtain two types of endothelial progenitor cells from the same donors. MTT and cell adhesion assays were performed to evaluate cell viability and the adhesion of THP-1 cells to human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs), respectively. Biomarkers included prothrombin time (PT) and activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT). The experimental results indicated that physalin B can inhibit the activation of human platelets through an ex vivo interfering arachidonic acid pathway and can block the activation of P2Y12 receptors. Moreover, the antiplatelet function of physalin B does not affect plasma coagulation because both PT and APTT remain unchanged after treatment. Furthermore, physalin B at 80 μM can reduce the TNF-α-induced adhesion of monocytic leukocyte THP-1 cells to HUVECs in a cell adhesion assay. These results suggest that the antithrombotic activity of physalin B is attributed to its antiplatelet activation and antiinflammatory effects. To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first to report on the antiplatelet effect of secosteroidal physalin-type compounds.

Key Words   
Physalin B, platelet activation, anticoagulation
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To cite this article

Chia-Chun Hsu,Ping-Yen Liu, Lynn Farh,Wei-Kung Tseng, Kai-Chien Yang, Chau-Chung Wu,Fang-Rong Chang , " Investigation And Characterization Of The Antiplatelet Activities Of Physalin B ", International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology . Vol. 3, Issue 6, pp 114-120 , 2014

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