
International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology

DOI:10.29111/ijlrst   ISRA Impact Factor:3.35

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International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology Vol.3 Issue 6, pp 33-36,Year 2014


H. T. Tung

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Received : 14 December 2014; Accepted : 24 December 2014 ; Published : 31 December 2014

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Article No. 10418

On paper, we have prepared TiO2/MPA/CdSe/ZnS by Successive ionic layer adsorption and reaction (SILAR). The results show that a significant improvement of the light to electric power conversion efficiency of quantum dot sensitized solar cells with a polysulfide electrolyte which can be achieved as using bi functional surface modifiers (SH-R-COOH, Mercaptopropionic acid (MPA)). The injected charge carriers in a CdSe-modified TiO2/MPA film can be collected at a conducting electrode to generate a photocurrent. The TiO2/MPA/CdSe/ZnS composite, employed as a photo anode in a photo electrochemical cell, exhibits a photon to charge carrier generation efficiency η, the short circuit current JSC, open circuit voltage VOC, and fill factor FF correspond to 0.909 %, 6.67 mA/cm2, 0.43 V, 0.31.

Key Words   
Defect states, Solar cell, SILAR
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To cite this article

H. T. Tung , " Harvesting Light Energy With Cdse/ Cdse (silar) /zns (silar) Nanocrystals Molecularly Linked To Mesoscopic Tio2 Films For Quantum Dot Solar Cells ", International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology . Vol. 3, Issue 6, pp 33-36 , 2014

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