
International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology

DOI:10.29111/ijlrst   ISRA Impact Factor:3.35

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International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology Vol.3 Issue 5, pp 103-114,Year 2014


Y. Lilik Rudianto

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Received : 23 October 2014; Accepted : 30 October 2014 ; Published : 31 October 2014

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Article No. 10402

The objective of this paper is to map out the local context of the agribusiness sector in East Java Indonesia by providing information on the regional development of East Java, Indonesia. Thispaper is divided into three sections. Economic performance and agriculture in East Java are presented in the first section. A discussion of the prospect of the agribusiness sector in Indonesia will be provided in the second section, and the third section considers the development of small medium enterprise (SMEs) in Indonesia and the urgency of clustering.

Key Words   
Economic performance, agriculture, the development of SMEs, clustering
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To cite this article

Y. Lilik Rudianto , " The Prospect Of The Agribusiness Sector In East Java Indonesia (1975 ? 2007) ", International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology . Vol. 3, Issue 5, pp 103-114 , 2014

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