
International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology

DOI:10.29111/ijlrst   ISRA Impact Factor:3.35

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International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology Vol.3 Issue 1, pp 14-19,Year 2014


Ruth Melendrez Luevano,Marcial Zamora Tototzintle, M. Ch?vez Portillo,O. Portillo Moreno

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Received : 27 January 2014; Accepted : 31 January 2014 ; Published : 28 February 2014

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Article No. 10248

Different constant deposition temperatures (Td) were employed in 20-80ºC to obtain CdS-CdCO3thin films grown by Chemical Bath. By Scanning Electronic Microscopy for CdS-80 layer, it is observed that when the Td decrease the morphology and size show change giving a variety of cube-shaped truncated cubes, wires and circles. With CdS-40 sample, the intensity of the x-ray Diffraction CdS peak is abruptly reduced.. The forbidden energy band gap was 2.4-4.1 eV. Raman spectra bands range 150-1800 cm-1 assigned to internal vibrations of group: 𝜈1–symmetric stretching (1088 cm-1) 𝜈3-asymmetric C-O stretching (1393 cm-1); 𝜈4–in–plane band of the (716 cm-1); the first overtone A1g + Eg (1772 cm-1) and two bands assigned to translations and liberations’ of the group relative to the Cd atoms; 𝜈13 (275 cm-1), 𝜈14 (165 cm-1). In the range Td 70-20°C lattice modes 𝜈14 (165 cm-1), 𝜈13 (273 cm-1), 𝜈3-asymmetric C-O stretching (1393 cm-1), 𝜈1-symmetric C-O stretching 1088 cm-1were observed.

Key Words   
Deposition temperatures,Gibbs energy, coordination complex, grain size, electron affinity
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To cite this article

Ruth Melendrez Luevano,Marcial Zamora Tototzintle, M. Ch?vez Portillo,O. Portillo Moreno , " Shape-controlled Deposition Temperatures Of Single-crystalline Cdco3 By Chemical Bath ", International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology . Vol. 3, Issue 1, pp 14-19 , 2014

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